Money Packet General and Hot Stamping Artwork Specification
1a. For MP 101 & MP 104 in your artwork, for the gluing side (right edge), please allow a minimum of 5mm bleed from the Trim Line to avoid the appearance of a ‘white line’ after folding / gluing as shown below in Diagram 1.
1b. For MP 103, in your artwork, for the gluing side (left and right edge), please allow a minimum of 5mm bleed from the Trim Line to avoid the appearance of a ‘white line’ after folding / gluing as shown below in Diagram 1.
2. It is strongly advisable to use the same background colour for front panel, back panel or slit flap to avoid colour contrast after folding.
3. If your design contains different background colour for front panel, back panel or slit flap, you are REQUIRED to allow 1mm bleed. The outcome is shown below in Diagram 2. Expressprint shall not be held responsible for the visibility of the colour variance between the panels of the money packet. 
Hot Stamping
- Important Image/Text to be hot stamped must be within Hot Stamping Safe Zone.
- Please use our Product Size Template to ensure you prepare your artwork correctly.
- Please refer to ‘Preparing Hot Stamping Artwork’ for more guidelines on how to prepare your hot stamping artwork. Visit our websites on Help > Artwork Specification > Preparing Hot Stamping Artwork.
- Stamping pressure may leave a stamping mark on the back of money packets. Hence, customer shall notice this risk and Expressprint shall not be held responsible for the stamping mark on the back.
- Hot stamping is allowed to full bleed until edges except:
– gluing part for all money packet
– bottom flap for MP 101
– 5mm non-hot stamping area for back panel for MP 104
– 2mm non-hot stamping area from top flap trim line for MP101 and MP 104
However, tolerance for hot stamping is ± 1.5mm. It has tendecy of artwork appear to other panel. Hence, it is advisable that important item is within safe zone. (Refer Precaution on artwork: Avoid extended graphic overlapping on the folding line)
- Please refer to “ General Preparing Hot Stamping Format ” for other hot stamping requirements.
Safe Zone
- 5mm from all sides of the front page ;
5mm from all sides of the except : back page
1) MP 101 & MP 104 : Top 20mm; Bottom 15mm
2) MP 103 : Bottom 36mm

Fine registration artwork is NOT allowed (artwork refer to the Hot Stamping Artwork Specification). We shall Not Accept any Rejection on Fine Registration Artwork. Tolerance : ± 1.5 mm (due to die cutting, gluing and folding process) 
Avoid extended graphic overlapping on the folding line
(Applicable for CMYK Printing and Hot Stamping) Example:

Money Packet Dimension Detailing