Spot UV Artwork Checklist
Preparing artwork can be a complex task. To avoid error, extra cost and delays, we have prepared a comprehensive checklist to assist you in preparing your Spot UV artwork successfully. Please ensure every step stated has been duly complied in your artwork.
- The image to be Spot UV varnished can be a vector graphic, text, shape, solid colour or picture (need to trace out the Spot UV part for picture).
- Vital elements (text, images, logo, etc) must be kept within the Safe Zone. – Fill the area/image to be Spot UV varnished with PROCESS BLACK (K=100).
- No tint or gradient effect allowed.
- Registration of image to be Spot UV varnished must be accurately aligned with the offset printing artwork.
- Spot UV NOT applied to outlines or outlines of a table (Outlines may cause unattractive mis-registration more noticeable).
- Spot UV NOT applied at gluing area.
- Spot UV NOT applied along the edge/trim line, die-cut line and creasing line of artwork.
- Spot UV artwork has a distance of 3mm away from creasing line to avoid Spot UV cracking after being folded.
- Font size is not less than 5pts (Based on Arial font type size)
- Small logos which contain wording, the font is not less than 4pts (eg: ©).
- Not using a font type with a sharp end edge (eg: Serif font).
- Line thickness is not less than 0.5pts
Artwork File
- Artwork is prepared in the correct PRODUCT SIZE TEMPLATES.
- All guidelines and text descriptions in PRODUCT SIZE TEMPLATES are REMOVED.
- Artwork is saved in required file format: Adobe Acrobat Document 5 – version 1.4 (*.pdf) (Jpeg file not accepted).
- Resolution : 300dpi
- Colour mode : CMYK colour mode
- 2 files are prepared :
File 1 – Artwork without image to be Spot UV varnished.
File 2 – Artwork of image to be Spot UV varnished (Save your file with transparent background).
- Zip 2 PDF file together or combine and save into 1 PDF file (2 pages).
- Artwork file is arranged according to Printboxer specification and published to PDF file.
- Other than hyphen (-) and underscore (_), your filename doest NOT include any other marks or symbols.
Preparing File for Spot UV Finishing
Step 1:
You will have to prepare 2 PDF files to apply Spot UV on your printing material.
File 1: File for the full artwork WITHOUT Spot UV
File 2: File for the image to be Spot UV varnished fill in K100
- Full bleed Spot UV is NOT ALLOWED. (Except packaging box)
- Spot UV over creasing line is NOT ALLOWED. (Except packaging box)
- Spot UV is NOT ALLOWED in JPEG and must fill in K100 WITHOUT any gradient and shadow
- Spot UV not nice on finish good if the spot UV is JPEG/ TIFF format

Step 2:
Repeat the same steps if you are preparing for Both Sides Spot UV Varnish.

Step 3:
Upload your artwork to place order.
Spot UV Finishing Artwork Alert
1. Please follow Spot UV artwork specification in ‘Spot UV Artwork Checklist’. Members shall alert artwork prepared is follow guidelines.
- Registration accuracy of spot UV is ± 0.25 mm
- Member may not reject order if Spot UV defects affect only 2% or below of the printed quantity per order.
- Spot UV may cause the card thickness to become uneven and packed cards may become slightly curved (i.e. not flat when placed on table, in wallet, card holder, etc).
*Expressprint shall not accept any rejects claims for curved Business Cards due to these factors.
Possible Problems
- Below are some examples of possible Artwork setting problems. Spot UV elements are outlined in YELLOW.

Printing Artwork

Spot UV Artwork